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December 30, 2007
Group Of Has-been Politicians Meet To Call Attention To The Need For Bi-Partisanship And Themselves. Well, Mostly Themselves.
A group of self-appointed grandees is going to get together to whine about how partisanship is ruining America. Naturally, they think if people would stop fighting for what they believe in and listen to these super cereal geniuses, everything will be so much better!
If there is ever going to be a hall of fame for “Annoying Politicians Who Think They Are Smarter Than Everyone Else But Who Nobody Listens To”, this will be the inaugural class of inductees.
New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, a potential independent candidate for president, has scheduled a meeting next week with a dozen leading Democrats and Republicans, who will join him in challenging the major-party contenders to spell out their plans for forming a "government of national unity" to end the gridlock in Washington.
Those who will be at the Jan. 7 session at the University of Oklahoma say that if the likely nominees of the two parties do not pledge to "go beyond tokenism" in building an administration that seeks national consensus, they will be prepared to back Bloomberg or someone else in a third-party campaign for president.
Conveners of the meeting include such prominent Democrats as former senators Sam Nunn (Ga.), Charles S. Robb (Va.) and David L. Boren (Okla.), and former presidential candidate Gary Hart. Republican organizers include Sen. Chuck Hagel (Neb.), former party chairman Bill Brock, former senator John Danforth (Mo.) and former New Jersey governor Christine Todd Whitman.
Ah yes, the siren song of ‘ending gridlock’. Why don’t these fools realize that gridlock is a feature not a bug of the American system? Oh yeah, because gridlock prevents them from sticking the fingers further into areas they and the government have no business being in the first place.
What this all comes down to is a bunch of politicians who can’t command any support from within their respective parties, so they will simply resort to complaining about the system and telling each other about how they are too good and pure to actually engage in a battle of ideas.
The best thing that could come out of this is Bloomberg will have so much smoke blown up his ass about how only he can save America that he’ll actually run for President. Considering he’s a Northeastern, big government, nanny-state liberal, he’ll likely hurt the Democrat nominee far more than the Republican.

posted by DrewM. at
06:29 PM
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