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"No Time For Illusions" On Pakistan »
December 27, 2007
Huck Apologizes to Pakistan - [Liberrocky]
Saw this quote from Huck on NRO:
Mike Huckabee strode out to the strains of “Right Now” by Van Halen and immediately addressed the Bhutto situation, expressing “our sincere concern and apologies for what has happened in Pakistan.”
Allah thinks it is much ado, I am not quite sure.
MM e-mailed to say she agrees with Allah that Huck meant it like "Sorry for your loss".
He probably did mean it that way, but heck I like to pile on the Huck!
Huckabasher Though I Am... [ace] I thought this was nothing at all. He was trying to express condolences shortly after hearing some big news and chose the wrong word. It happens. No big deal.
K-Lo is also noting another big nothing, that the Thompson campaign sent out a "Great News" email about an endorsement soon after the assassination. Again, who cares?
PS, sorry, I've been having problems connecting.
Stay Classy, Russ Feingold [Ace]: I'm a little more disgusted by Russ Feingold's attempt to blame the assassination on Bush's focus on Iraq.
Can grown-ups talk now, Russie? The fact of the matter is that Pakistan is filled with murderous jihadis who want the country to officially be Al Qaedastan. It has, what?, 150 million people. Plus nukes.
We've been riding a tiger with Pakistan since 9/11 because we have little other choice, short of the liberals' plan for the Great Overmountain Invasion of Pakistan that I keep hearing about.
Now that that's actually a grim possibility -- now that the country isn't ruled by a US ally (nominally) but could shortly actually become Al Qaedastan -- I think liberals will suddenly begin discussing Pakistan with more, what's the word, nuance than we've grown accustomed to.
Draft? Invasion of a huge Muslim nation armed with nukes? Circumstances may just deliver to liberals what they've claimed to long desire.
No one should take much solace in that, of course. I'd rather liberals be glibly dishonest than actually have to confront an Al Qaeda friendly, or Al Qaeda ruled, nuclear Pakistan, which could lead to a war that could literally kill millions.
Still I'll be happy to see the MSM question Hillary and Obama and the rest more closely on their previous plans to invade a huge country filled with jihadis, where the intelligence services are rotten to the core with Taliban and Al Qaeda sympathizers or actual members and where the delivery of a nuke to terrorists is just one "surprise capture" of a nuclear-carrying truck away.
Instead of offering us serious analysis of a dire situation, Feingold and the rest of the idiots fall back on their knee-jerk sound-bite denunciations of Bush.
Jesus, they're less informed and thoughtful than bloggers.
But that's what liberals do. They have very little genuine advice on foreign policy matters, so rather than actually take a position on what we should do going forward, they retreat into the comfortable leftist critique of what-the-US-did-in-the-past-to-cause-this-and-oh-aren't-we-so-awful.
Sorry, that's not going to cut it, you stupid silly bitches. This is a rather serious problem and I'm afraid if you're going to sound off publicly I'm going to have to demand an equally serious response.
Update: [Liberrocky]
Here is InstaGlenn's take.

posted by xgenghisx at
04:01 PM
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