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December 24, 2007
Concord Monitor Editorial Board: Anybody But Mitt
They're being quite dramatic about it.
Add it all up and you get Mitt Romney, a disquieting figure who sure looks like the next president and most surely must be stopped.
Eh. A limp-wristed attack at his "created" stature, calling him a wealthy, successful phony with no core principles. The same paper that endorsed John Kerry for '04, so don't turn on your irony meter if the warranty is up.
In the 2008 campaign for president, there are numerous issues on which Romney has no record, and so voters must take him at his word. On these issues, those words are often chilling. While other candidates of both parties speak of restoring America's moral leadership in the world, Romney has said he'd like to "double" the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, where inmates have been held for years without formal charge or access to the courts. He dodges the issue of torture - unable to say, simply, that waterboarding is torture and America won't do it
Which could mean, bear with me now editors, he a) thinks Guantanamo has been effective and produced actionable intelligence that prevented further attacks, b) he doesn't agree that waterboarding is torture, and c) if he's in charge America will still do it.
I'm pretty sure that's what he means. Not to sure he's all worked up about that whole "moral leadership" in the world thingy. Being the moral leader of a whorehouse doesn't really shine up a resume.
When New Hampshire partisans are asked to defend the state's first-in-the-nation primary, we talk about our ability to see the candidates up close, ask tough questions and see through the baloney. If a candidate is a phony, we assure ourselves and the rest of the world, we'll know it.
It's no surprise that a liberal rag like the Monitor would come out against a conservative candidate. It's a little surprising that Mitt bugs them so much they'd take it one step further.
It's almost a good example of misdirection, with extra clumsy thrown in.
The whole thing is here if you care. But I already did the hard work for you because it's Christmas and I'm a giver.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:56 AM
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