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December 23, 2007
What Christmas Is Really All About

"Santa has been perverted from who he started out to be," Conrad said. "Now he's the person being used by corporations to get us to buy more stuff."
A photo of the crucified Santa adorns his Christmas cards, with the message "Santa died for your MasterCard."
The display is also Conrad's way of poking fun at political correctness. He believes people don't express their feelings because they're afraid of what other people might think.
Well, that, and also because we have blogs for that sort of thing now. If we rant about this kind of stuff on blogs, the neighbors never have to explain to their tearful 4-year old why Santa has the stigmata, you ass.
UPDATE: Site dedicated to tacky Christmas decorations, entry titled 'Hunting Season.'
Thanks to someone.

posted by Laura. at
01:49 PM
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