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December 20, 2007
Huckabee's Own Supposed Foreign Policy Advisor Calls Him "Cockamamie"
Here's Huck saying he's been "talking" to Frank Gaffney about foreign policy. In another statement, he'd say that a key influence on his foreign policy thinking is... NYT liberal columnist Tom Friedman.
CNN's WOLF BLITZER: "Who are your principal foreign policy advisers, Governor?"
GOV. MIKE HUCKABEE: "Well, I have a number of people from whom I get policy. I'm talking to Frank Gaffney, I talk to Richard Haas, I talk to a number of military people, some of whom I can't name because they're active in the military…"
Hugh Hewitt asked Gaffney how his "pupil" is learning.
HUGH HEWITT: "What do you think Frank Gaffney?"
CENTER FOR SECURITY POLICY'S FRANK GAFFNEY: "For the purposes of setting the record straight, Hugh, I want you and your audience to recall that the other guy he mentioned in this New York Times Sunday magazine interview was advising him was Tom Friedman of The New York Times. That sounds a lot more like Tom's advice than my advice. I think that's cockamamie. And in fact, I had an hour and a half I think conversation with Governor Huckabee a couple of months ago over breakfast. And this was one of the main points on which I tried to educate him. This is not a sibling that you just aren't having a good time with. This is a country run by megalomaniacs bent on an apocalyptic outcome who believe that bringing about a world without America is their god given obligation. And, you know, just talking with them, you know, 'can't we all get along', Rodney King style, is not a prescription for a serious foreign policy I'm afraid."
HEWITT: "Did you make progress with him, Frank Gaffney, in that conversation?"
GAFFNEY: "Well, I thought so, but this certainly doesn't sound like it. He, just previous to that conversation given a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies."
HEWITT: "That's what this speech is from. That's that clip is from the Center for Strategic…"
GAFFNEY: "If that is the speech before I spoke with him and that is no longer his view I've made progress. But that was a view that I tried to disabuse him of and I have not seen the Foreign Affairs article which presumably provides his current thinking and so don't know whether I've made any progress or not."
Quick, let's put him in charge of foreign policy.
And if you disagree with him, I guess that means you hate Jesus, huh?
Huck's Got A New MSM Booster: Oh, you'll love this.
Three guesses.
No, screw that, I'm too anxious to tell you: David Shuster.