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December 14, 2007
You’ve Got To Be Kidding…Huckabee Takes Lead In Latest Florida Poll
Rasmussen is out with their latest poll and Huckmentum is definitely spreading.
The latest Rasmussen Reports polling in the state of Florida suggests that Giuliani might need to work on a “Plan B.’ Mike Huckabee now leads in the Sunshine State Primary with 27% of the vote. He is trailed closely by Romney at 23% and Giuliani at 19%. Fred Thompson is at 9% in the poll, John McCain at 6%, and Ron Paul at 4%. Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter each attract 1% and 8% are undecided.
Those figures reflect a stunning change in the race since November when Rasmussen Reports polling found Giuliani on top with 27% followed by Romney at 19% and Thompson at 16%. Since then, Huckabee has gained 18 percentage points and Romney picked up four points. Giuliani is down eight, Thompson is down seven, and McCain is down four.
Huckabee has shaken up the race for the White House with an amazing surge over the past month. He now leads in Iowa and South Carolina. He is tied for the lead in Michigan and consistently near the top nationally in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.
The only early state Huck doesn’t appear to be surging in is N.H. which is practically a home game for Romney.
Is anyone still comfortable writing Huck off as a bubble that will pop under it’s own weight? I think it’s time for one or more of the candidates to stick a pin in the guy by going negative on Huckabee. And by negative I mean point out his atrocious positions on everything from taxes and spending to his embrace of nannystatism. And don’t forget his naïve views on foreign policy and all the rest that’s been well chronicled here.
I hope Mitt’s got some harder shots in his pocket than his first ‘attack ad’ showed. My money is on Rudy. He’s too much of a brawler to go down quietly, especially to a snake oil salesman like Huckabee.

posted by DrewM. at
12:47 PM
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