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On Offended Muslim Syndrome »
December 12, 2007
Brit PM Gordon Brown: Let's Negotiate With The Taliban!
Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. We have so many points of common interest it really shouldn't be all that hard to work out a mutually-satisfactory compromise.
Perhaps the Taliban can just host 1000 or so Al Qaeda fighters rather than 10,000, and maybe they can agree to kill only 100 children a year instead of 1000.
They can kill as many homos and apostates and uppity women as they like, of course. We here in the enlightened West aren't too keen on those sorts either.
So, the makings of a deal:
-- Kill all the homos and apostates and sassy bitches you like
-- only knock down one major skyscraper not more than once every five years
-- and the Brits get to go home and pretend they've accomplished something.
Win, win, win!
Thanks to DrewM.