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December 06, 2007
AP Asks the Candidates: Worst Job Ever?
It looks like everyone's worst job was their first job.
The worst jobs of most of the candidates are discussed, but not Giuliani. Thompson provided the longest list:
"Well, let's see," he said. "I've worked in a factory, I was a bouncer at my uncle's drag strip, I worked at the post office, I sold children's shoes, I sold ladies', I sold men's clothing, I was a night clerk at a motel.
"I can't think of a job that I had that I wasn't thankful for at the time."
Bill Richardson laid sod.
Mitt Romney worked in a still-flowing sewage pipe on his uncle's ranch.
Hillary Clinton gutted fish.
Mike Huckabee worked for a department store.
John Edwards had "just awful" cleaning duties at a textile mill.
Barack Obama scooped icecream.
And the worst "job" ever comes to you from John McCain, who got stuck in a Vietnamese prison. He says, compared to that "I've never really had a bad job."
To be honest, I've never really had a bad one either. My very first job was sometime in highschool. I was as a dishwasher at a Western Sizzlin, but that lasted all of one weekend before I got a job at the university library working for the ag extension office. I learned more about silkworms, drip irrigation, and college freshwomen that summer than ever before or since.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
02:10 AM
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