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December 06, 2007
First rule of holes, governor. Allahpundit provides an outstanding timeline of this piece by Murray Waas. The Waas story is long, so grab a cup of coffee and start reading.
I think AP is right - if Huckabee had admitted bad judgment and regret, this controversy would end pretty quickly. Instead, he's chosen to dig in his heels, giving the story legs. His reaction has turned this into a 'drip, drip' story - the denials have set his side of the story, and any information that comes out to contradict that narrative damages him.
And those folks are coming forward, including a former aide. In addition, Huckabee's own record on clemency suggests he tended to grant criminals mercy, and his desire to free Dumond comes across pretty clearly in the "Dear Wayne" letter.
Honestly, Huckabee's denials and accusations of lies among his accusers would have more weight if he had showed more forthrightness when speaking on other issues in his record. Frankly, he hasn't given me much reason to trust him. I think Huckabee has made a major mistake in his approach to this controversy, as he's now locked into one narrative.
I think we're about to hear the others, and it's not going to go well for Huckabee.
Just because...here's my new column, on Huckabee. But if you've read the blog entries, you've read the column...

posted by Slublog at
12:37 AM
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