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December 01, 2007
Sock Puppetting Can Be Dangerous…Blog Comment Leads To Arrest
Strange case in Wisconsin of a blog commenter who was arrested for praising the Columbine shooter and allegedly threatening local teachers.
“…Kids like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold members of the Young Republicans club at Columbine. They knew how to deal with the overpaid teacher union thugs. One shot at a time! Too bad the liberals rip them; they were heroes and should be remembered that way.”
Boots and Sabers, the blog where the comment was left, has the full comment and a run down on the whole story from the bloggers perspective.
I am not a lawyer but it doesn’t seem like the comment reaches the level of actually threatening someone but apparently the cops feel differently.
The interesting twist is, the arrested commenter is a teacher and a former president of the local teacher’s union. It looks like being a sockpuppetting Moby may cost this guy big time.
Be careful what you write…someone is watching.
H/t-The Man, The Myth, The Legend…Instapundit

posted by DrewM. at
03:33 PM
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