What Happens If There Are Heroes But The MSM Ignores Them? »
November 09, 2007
The World Is Out Of Oil…Except Brazil
How long have we been hearing that we are going to run out of oil? Yes sir, any day now. Any. Day. Now. Just not today.
The Brazilian government says huge new oil reserves discovered off its coast could turn the country into one of the biggest oil producers in the world.
Petrobras, Brazil's national oil company, says it believes the offshore Tupi field has between 5bn and 8bn barrels of recoverable light oil.
A senior minister said Brazilian oil production had the potential to match that of Venezuela and Saudi Arabia
Clearly this doesn’t call for cowbell but since this is the Best Conservative Blog, below the fold you will find an in depth analysis of how invading Brazil to steal their oil will be a very different case than Iraq and why the US military is already working on the necessary plans.
H/t Hot Air Headlines.
I think this invasion may solve our recruiting problems.

posted by DrewM. at
02:13 PM
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