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October 30, 2007
Giuliani: Democrats Will Change Their Tune On War
DLC Head Harold Ford, Jr.: Yes, Sir!
Giuliani's well-publicized prediction on Monday:
“Do I think the mission overall in Iraq is the correct one, I think without a doubt it is,” the former New York mayor said at Insight Technologies, which makes tactical weapon lights and laser systems for the military.
“And I think the Democrats are going to change their minds about it again,” Giuliani said, noting that Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Edwards voted as senators for the initial invasion in 2003.
Harold Ford, Jr. in an interview published today:
[Q:] [The DLC] was [pro-war] in 2003.
[Ford:] Well, pro-war doesn’t mean that we support the way this president has gone about fighting. We were supportive of removing Saddam Hussein, instilling stability in the country, reducing the threat that America faced from Al Qaeda and, equally important, the threat we thought was posed by Saddam Hussein. If we knew then what we know now … I was in the Congress; I would not have voted for the resolution. But at the same time, we’re in a different place now. I caution anybody who continues to talk about the past on this issue.