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October 25, 2007
Hollywood And "The Real Enemy"
As Hollywood continues to lose money hand over fist, quite predictably, in selling "back-breakingly liberal" anti-military agit-prop as supposed entertainments (query: as others have asked, who exactly is putting up the funding for this box-office poison?), Ed Driscoll reflects on Hollywood's reflexive anti-Americanism.
When Chetwynd was a successful Hollywood writer specializing in historical dramas, he told the Dieppe story during a Malibu dinner party — as a sort of tribute to the men who died there so people could sit around debating politics at Malibu dinner parties. One of the guests was a network head who asked Chetwynd to come in and pitch the story.
"So I went in," Chetwynd told me, "and someone there said, 'So these bloodthirsty generals sent these men to a certain death?'
"And I said, 'Well, they weren't bloodthirsty; they wept. But how else were we to know how Hitler could be toppled from Europe?' And she said, 'Well, who's the enemy?' I said, 'Hitler. The Nazis.' And she said, 'Oh, no, no, no. I mean, who's the real enemy?'"
You are.
Thanks to CJ.