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October 17, 2007
Star Trek Principal Casting Complete
J.J. Abrams is moving quickly on the Star Trek prequel. The film is intended to re-start the series with the early adventures of Kirk and crew; hopes are high that it will rescue the franchise from the poor performances of Enterprise and Star Trek: Nemesis.
The budget has been upped to $150+ million, more than double that of Nemesis. I'm sure a large portion of that has been spent attracting an all-star cast:
Kirk - Chris Pine* (never heard of him)
Spock - Zachary Quinto (of Heroes fame)
McCoy - Karl Urban (Bourne Supremacy, Chronicles of Riddick)
Uhura - Zoe Saldana (Pirates of the Caribbean, hot)
Scotty - Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz)
Sulu - John Cho (never heard of him)
Chekov - Anton Yelchin (never heard of him)
I am a huge fan of Star Trek. I grew up watching the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. If you were to ask me which fictional "monster" scared me the most, I would honestly say it's the Borg. The Best of Both Worlds remains to this day one of the finest two hours of television of all time (ranked 45th Most Memorable Moment by TV Guide).
I can't say that I felt much loss or upset when Enterprise tanked; I never saw it when it was on the air. But it'd be nice to see Star Trek back on the big screen.
*Chris Pine hasn't had an official announcement yet; it's coming soon.
MORE: A helpful fellow emailed this Casting Comparison from IGN which has pictures of the new and old Enterprise crew. Note, however, that this was put together a few days ago before the Pine and Urban rumors were confirmed.
Also, for completeness I should have mentioned that Eric Bana will be the villain.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:40 AM
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