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October 05, 2007
Naomi Wolf And "The Sanity Myth"
She's become more unhinged since last time we checked, if you can believe that. Now embedding reporters with troops is itself Nazi-esque, a technique "pioneered by Josef Goebbels." She fails to mention the US government fighting the Nazis at the time also embedded reporters with troops.
Actually, they just designated some troops as reporters most of the time, which I guess is extra-Nazi.
With apologies to mrobvious, but this woman was overpromoted when she came out with her first idiotic books because she was passably good-looking. Here was a cute-for-a-writer chick writing about how oppressive Western standards of beauty were, despite the fact that, you know, minus her passably decent looks she wouldn't have been heavily promoted. The irony was lost on her.
But anyway: Now that her looks have been marred by a steady diet of hatred, paranoia, and McRib sandwiches, do we have to continue pretending she ever had a goddamn thing to say?
She's just Glenn Greenwald with a gunt.
I guess I do apologize for this, the fourth unnecessary attack on a woman's looks in three days. But honestly. I'm weary of these screeching yentas. It was borderline acceptable when you were halfway cute, because, let's face it, anything is borderline acceptable coming from a halfway cute woman. If Jessica Biel tells me I'm a fascist alien insect from Proxima Centauri, well, I'm going to give her a fair hearing -- how do I know my memories haven't been artificially implanted by my insect SpawnLords to create an Infiltrator Unit?
I don't, see? So she could be right. How could anything coming out of that perfect mouth be a lie?
But I can't let Naomi Wolf slide on something like that. She never was good-looking enough to get away with that sort of advanced rhetorical gambit. And now she's... well, she's basically my Aunt Gertrude with a publicity agent.
It's time to stand or fall on your mind and talent alone. Recognize this and elevate your fucking game, Naomi. You're not cute enough to get away with droolingly stupid anymore.