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October 05, 2007
Is This Something?
So I get what must be of course some viral marketing campaign in the guise of helping someone solve the mystery of his grandfather's death. EVP and YouTube are involved.
I dig this sort of thing as a rule, in theory, though I'm always too impatient and stupid to bother trying to figure it out. I just want to know the answers.
So this is a commercial for something or other, but who knows, maybe it's halfway clever. I won't bother trying to figure it out but maybe you'll like it and tell me if it's cool or not.
It doesn't appear to be porn, but who knows.
Dear all,
There's a youtube video involved in my grandfather's odd circumstances of death. Please take a look at the attached picture and
pass it along.
This frame belongs to the video I'm looking for and it's the only evidence that I have so far: it's a snapshot of the computer screen he
was seeing when he died. If you ever saw the entire footage or recognize any detail of this picture (where and when was it filmed, who
posted the file and, foremost intriguing, who is that creepy bald man) please report it to:
Or email me to:
To perform a blind search in youtube's database is harder than to find a needle in a haystack, so any accurate hint will be a
Please forward this message to your contacts.
Thanks in advance,
Here's the link to the site.
No, I'm not being paid by these jokers.