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Double Trouble »
September 26, 2007
Ted Kennedy: US Military Hotbed of Hate
Byron York at The Corner has the story of Ted Kennedy’s attempt to add hate crimes legislation to the 2008 Defense Authorization Act. Why is a hate crimes bill relevant to funding the military…because that’s where the hate is!
"This amendment will strengthen the defense authorization act by protecting those who volunteer to serve in the military," Kennedy said. "The vast majority of our soldiers serve with honor and distinction…but sadly, our military bases are not immune from the violence that comes with hatred."
According to York, Kennedy is worried the problem is getting worse.
Kennedy suggested that the alleged problem might be getting worse, citing a Southern Poverty Law Center report that extremists are joining the military, putting it, in Kennedy's words, "at a higher risk of hate-motivated violence."
In all honesty I doubt Kennedy really believes hate crimes are a big problem in the military or that he's even given it much thought. It’s just that his desire to pass a bill adding sexual preference and gender identity to the list of protected classes is so strong he’s willing to use whatever club is handy. If it means smearing the military, so be it.
By the way, Kennedy’s law is not limited to the military and a vote is scheduled for tomorrow.

posted by DrewM. at
07:31 PM
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