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September 26, 2007
US Navy to Alter Swastika Shaped Barracks
Back in 1967, before satellite imagery was at your fingertips on the intertubes, nobody thought it would be a problem. You couldn't see from the ground that the building was shaped like a swastika.
Well now you can.
The Navy will spend $600,000 to alter the shape of a building built in 1967 that looks like, I shit you not, a swastika.
I am not an architect, and I don't play one on television either, but, help me here, did somebody not look at the floor plans and raise their hand and ask the question?
Uhm. uh, 'scuse me, Mike? Does that kinda, I dunno, remind you of something? Something that we, you know, asploded off of the Riechstag about 22 years ago? Turn it like this, see? See? I'm just sayin.
The Navy decided to alter the buildings' shape following requests this year by Anti-Defamation League regional director Morris Casuto and U.S. Rep. Susan Davis.
"I don't ascribe any intentionally evil motives to this," Casuto said of the design. "It just happened. The Navy has been very good about recognizing the problem. The issue is over."
Well, as many of you know, I'm not a big fan of ascribing bad intentions to people I just don't know.
I got no problem pointing out stupid.

posted by Dave In Texas at
05:25 PM
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