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September 25, 2007
Lawyer to Terrorists and Convicted Felon Lynne Stewart to Participate in, Wait for it…Legal Ethics Conference
It’s the kind of thing you can’t make up because no one would believe you.
Stewart will be a panelist at Hofstra Law School’s Sixth Biannual Legal Ethics Conference "Lawyering at the Edge: Unpopular Clients, Difficult Cases, Zealous Advocates"
The participant list blandly describes Stewart as someone who, “has defended many unpopular clients over the years”. A more colorful and accurate description might include the fact that she is a felon who was convicted of aiding blind cleric Omar Abdel Rahman pass messages to his followers from his jail cell. Stewart had unsuccessfully defended Rahman against charges that he was part of a plot to blow up several targets in New York City.
Stewart was not “Lawyering at the Edge” or simply representing an unsavory client, she was an active and willing participant in a scheme to assist a convicted terrorist further his murderous plots. The idea that she is someone a respectable law school would want anywhere near its campus is unimaginable. One can only deduce Hofstra Law School is not a respectable institution.
Stop The ACLU has more and says Stewart is apparently out on bail while appealing her conviction.
H/t: A friend who has no idea I have access to this moron blog and saw it at Michele Malkin’s.

posted by DrewM. at
11:42 PM
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