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September 25, 2007
Columbia Univ. President Says Ahmadinejad Is Evil, Has Fat Momma (The Comish)
It’s disgusting that President Mahmoud “Stumpy” Ahmadinejad was invited to speak at Columbia University at the same time that he is sending troops and arms into Iraq to fight and kill American troops. It’s even worse because Columbia doesn’t want ROTC and recruiters from the United States military on their campus. Apparently, if your policy is “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” then Columbia thinks it’s too dangerous to allow the students to be exposed to your wild and crazy point of view.* However, if you engage in the torture and public execution of homosexuals, then you’re welcome to stop by anytime.
Still, I was mildly pleased that Columbia’s president didn’t exactly get his knees dirty welcoming Stumpy to campus. In fact, he laced his introduction and questions with insults. Among other things, he called Stumpy a “petty and cruel dictator” and said the speech was an opportunity for Columbia’s students to “confront the mind of evil.”
"Today I feel all the weight of the modern civilized world yearning to express the revulsion at what you stand for," Mr. Bollinger told Mr. Ahmadinejad. "I only wish I could do better."
The auditorium erupted in thunderous applause.
Personally, I’d have thrown something in there about him needing a stepladder to hump goats, but my sensibilities have been refined by numerous Friday flamewars.
Unsurprisingly, the brain surgeons at DailyKos suspect a conspiracy by Bush.
And at the Huffington Post, the parts of Stumpy’s speech where he denied the Holocaust and refused to dissociate Iran with terrorism or the destruction of Israel are described as “silky-smooth.” However, his credibility was irreparably damaged when he denied that Iran has fans of musical theater. Because that’s what’s really important.
* Columbia allowed U.S. military recruiters on campus because of the Solomon Amendment, which could have cut off their federal funding. I guess it’s cool to hate the military at all the cocktail parties, but those values dissipate like a cloud of bong smoke when they cut into your latte budget.

posted by xgenghisx at
09:25 PM
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