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September 22, 2007
Alaska Abandons Plans for "Bridge to Nowhere"
Yesterday officials decided it really was going nowhere, and gave up plans for a $400MM bridge that would have connected some island to some other island.
Expressions of disappointment and regret.
"We went through political hot water tons of it and not just nationally but internationally," Ketchikan-Gateway Borough Mayor Joe Williams said. "We have nothing to show for it."
Under mounting public pressure, Congress acted boldly, by stripping the earmark and sending $200 MM to the state anyway, saying "you really oughta use it for the airport" (mumbling) "or uh, any other use you think is ok.
I'd like to think Jack Murtha's technology park will suffer the same fate, but this crap is so endemic and public attention and attitudes so fickle I ain't holding my breath.
Unless I can score a grant for a study. Maybe something on public attitudes about earmarks and breath-holding?
As it pertains to climate change. Yeah.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:18 AM
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