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September 21, 2007
Hiker Found Alive, Darwin Award Still Up For Grabs [AndrewsDad]
You can lead a blue stater to water but you can't make them think. From just outside of Seattle...
Search-and-rescue crews have found a hiker who has been missing since last weekend. Mary Hyde Wingfield was found in North Cascades National Park shortly after 2:30 p.m, said Chief Ranger Kinsey Shilling.
Searchers had discovered two shoe prints that match Wingfield's size and the make of shoe she may have been wearing, Shilling said. They also found a water bottle, a dental insurance card, a grocery store membership card and a note on her employer's letterhead indicating she was in an emergency state without food or water.
The note, signed by Wingfield, said she was heading downstream.
Apparently she was thinking that stream may eventually lead to some water.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:52 PM
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