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September 21, 2007
Friday Afternoon Flames
How was your week? Any trying moments? Need to get a little something off your chest?

This here thread is where we sling undeserved mud at each other:
*That your personal hygiene leaves much to be desired
*That you experience considerable difficulties in securing a mate
*Other such slurs as to impute general unwholesomeness or pathos
...and say such things about your Mom:
*That she is a whore.
*That she prefers small-footed midgets, for easier insertion
*That you are not biologically related to your father, who is a Carny.
I'm giving you these tips in the vain hope that one of my beloved jugheads will actually say something wicked, or pointier than 'pudding good,' or 'me no like fruit in jello.'

posted by Laura. at
01:54 PM
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