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Bin Laden is Not On Lefty Sites, But His Speechwriter May Be »
September 09, 2007
"Not fit to be called people; they are a cancer."
Strong words came from Israeli Industry, Trade, and Labor Minister Eli Yishai, as reported in the Jerusalem Post today. Yishai was referring to eight Israeli neo-Nazis who were recently arrested, each of whom were granted favorable immigration status under the Law of Return. All eight were admitted from the former Soviet Union.
The Law of Return provides that immigrants can receive Israeli citizenship if they can claim one Jewish grandparent. They need not be Jewish themselves to benefit from favorable immigration status.
The arrests have set off debates throughout the country about amending the Law of Return. Claims of discrimination against immigrants from the former Soviet states are also being traded.
Finally, Drew can add these fellows to his Dumb Criminal Round Up; they videotaped their crimes, which include assaulting Orthodox Jews in the street, vandalizing synagogues, and attacking people they thought were punks, gays, or (ironically) foreigners.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:34 PM
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