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September 08, 2007
My Quest - The Stoogeum
I must make my pilgrammage.
In little Spring House PA, about 25 miles north of Philadelphia, The Stoogeum, a museum of Three Stooges memorabilia.
Stoogeum curator Gary Lassin opened it 3 years ago. He is the sole employee, and viewings are by appointment only.
As well they should be.
Lassin married into a family relationship with the Stooges, his wife's grandfather was Larry Feinberg's brother. Over the years he collected hundreds of Stooge artifacts.
The Stoogeum has "more stuff than I even imagined existed," said Peter Seely, editor of the book "Stoogeology: Essays on the Three Stooges." "Going through there is sort of like a trip through the history of pop culture in the 20th century."
10,000 square feet of movie props, toys, art work, Three Stooges bowling balls, figurines (action figures!), old scripts.... the pulse quickens!
I have got to see this.
Any ladies care to join me?

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:28 AM
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