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September 07, 2007
Acepalooza Location Picked
If you're coming in from out of town, you'll want places near the Prudential Center, or which have decent T-access to that area.
LauraW is going to email the location to all those who have responded to her at her laurawtips gmail address. We're not announcing it openly because we're not sure about doing that yet.
The place is decent enough, sort of centrally located so those who want to keep the party going should be able to find other places nearby, or just stay at the place. It's not ideal; parking is going to be a slight hassle, but I'll put up some secret parking information later. There should be free lots within a 10 minute walk. Plus there are nearby paid lots for those who don't mind dropping 25 bucks for parking.
I think the place is within 15 minutes walking-time of Cambridge, so those hotels will also be okay, with a bit of a walk or a fairly short $10 or $15 cab ride.
Sorry it took so long. I've spent four nights the past week and a lot of time on the phone trying to find a place; at some point I had to pull the trigger. It's been like apartment-hunting. A lot of it was bananas: the Marriott Long Wharf wouldn't reserve any space whatsoever without a $3500 catering contract for example. Not every place was that bad, but in most cases bars and hotels demanded a big upfront fee in exchange for the privilege of taking in $600-$1000 worth of business they wouldn't otherwise have.
I also want to apologize for the tiny amount of blogging I've done. I've been sick as a dog since Monday, and it's only now starting to go away. I'm not whining so much as offering excuses.
No Quick Route From Airport... I know some people asked for that, and I did look around for places that would be somewhat easy from the airport. But it didn't pan out. Sorry. The airport is on the T, though, and this place is on the T; it will involve changing trains, though, so it might take 40 minutes or so all told.
For those who don't know, the Boston subway/train system (the "T") shuts down at midnight. Yes, midnight, even on Saturday nights. It's their way of encouraging people to drink and drive. So those who plan on getting sloshed should bear in mind there won't be any public transportation back, and may want to plan for cab costs.
It's at the Hynes Convention Center stop, and also is within walking distance of Copley and the Copley stop. They're on the green line.