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September 05, 2007
NYT Editorial: Bush Went To Iraq To Distract From... Iraq
Well-played, Mr. President. Hiding in plain sight. They just keep misunderstimating you... except for the scary-smart braniacs at the New York Times.
Very first sentence:
Iraq is a long way to go for a photo op, but not for President Bush, who is pulling out all the stops to divert public attention from his failed Iraq policies and to keep Congress from demanding that he bring the troops home.
In related news, Bush likened a defeat in Iraq to the defeat in Vietnam to distract from comparisons of a defeat in Iraq to the defeat in Vietnam.
Remember, these are The Deciders. Their "news judgment" is more finely honed than yours, making them uniquely qualified to decide what the news is, or what the news should be.
Thanks to The Apologist.