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September 04, 2007
Killed and Captured Terrorist Round Up
While us slackers are nursing our holiday weekend Valu-Right induced hangovers and forgetting it’s not Monday but Tuesday, the good guys were kicking some terrorist ass around the world:
First to Afghanistan, where it turns out you may get the S. Koreans to roll over by kidnapping a bunch of them but you better enjoy it while it lasts because you may be dead the next day.
KABUL (Reuters) - A senior Taliban commander involved in the abduction of 23 South Korean missionaries was among dozens of insurgents killed in clashes in southern Afghanistan overnight, police said on Tuesday.
Ali Shah Ahmadzai, police chief of Ghazni province, said Taliban commander Mullah Mateen was among 22 insurgents killed in a clash in the province's Qarabagh district.
"He was involved in the kidnapping. We have reconnaissance colleagues on the ground," Ahmadzai told Reuters by telephone from Ghazni.
And in Denmark, home of the cartoons of blasphemy, police have disrupted a terror plot featuring members from a broad strata of society:
COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Denmark's intelligence service early Tuesday arrested eight Islamic militants linked to leading al-Qaida figures, and said the suspects were plotting an attack involving explosives.
"With the arrests we have prevented a terror attack," said Jakob Scharf, head of the PET intelligence service.
He did not identify the target.
The suspects — six Danish citizens and two foreigners with residence permits — had been under surveillance for some time and were arrested after police gathered enough evidence against them, he said.
"They also have been producing an unstable explosive in a densely populated area," Scharf said.

posted by DrewM. at
10:35 AM
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