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September 03, 2007
Science! Is There Anything It Can't Do?!? [eddiebear]
Apparently, some scientists must have cured cancer and AIDS, because they spent a ton of money researching...
How men and women view kissing, sex and the like.
In a shocking twist, the scientists discovered that men were more interested in sex than in kissing, and viewed kissing as less important as the relationship progressed.
Gee, I could have told these morons that. And why is good grant money being wasted on this tripe when deserving grad students looking for legitimate uses of science have to work two and three side jobs to fund their studies?
But never fear, these "scientists" also came up with other key discoveries:
They were more willing to have sex with someone without kissing, to have sex with someone they are not attracted to and agree to have sex with someone they considered to be a bad kisser.

posted by xgenghisx at
08:07 PM
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