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August 06, 2007
Pentagon loses track of weapons for Iraqi forces
Pretty misleading. It presumes the DoD had tracked in the first place.
They did not. The GAO report is pretty clear in the first few pages of the report that the Iraqi Train and Equip program was a fast track operation, and that the DoD and Multi-National Force had yet to figure out which accountability procedures applied to the program.
Note. Not that we don't know what was bought, or why, or where it was used.
That the ledger entries haven't been completed.
Gee, I wonder why we'd be in a hurry to help train and equip Iraqi forces ahead of the DFARS parts 1-52 red tape express?
I can't imagine.
Small arms. Rifles. Pistols. Helmets and body armor.
What are the earth-shattering recommendations from the report, this report that is blowing the lid off of the arms accounting procedure nightmare?
1. Determine which DoD accountability programs apply or should apply to the program.
2. After defining the required accountability procedures, ensure that sufficient staff, functioning distribution networks, standard operating procedures, and proper technology are available to meet the new requirements.
Page. Fuckin. Twelve.
That's it.
posted by Dave In Texas at
09:11 PM
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