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August 03, 2007
Foer's Emails Reveal He Previously "Confirmed" "Melted Woman" In FOB Falcon, Now "Confirms" Her In Kuwait
Yep -- his confirming witness, upon whose word he claims vindication, apparently changed his story along the way. Because originally Foer wrote to Michael Goldfarb that the "melted" woman was "confirmed" exactly where Beauchamp claimed she was, FOB Falcon, but now can only seem to "confirm" her in another country, admitting the previous "confirmation" was an "error" or a "mistake."
Why did Foer's "confirming witness" change his story, praytell? And why should we trust his "confirmations" on the other claims, such as they are, won't also wind up ultimately having taken place in Kalamazoo, MI at Dungeons & Dragons Camp?