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July 27, 2007
Indy IV: Karen Allen Back; Sean Connery Not
Allen will of course only have a cameo as Indy's Baby-Mommy, because you have to imagine the love interest is Cate Blanchett.
I didn't think Connery was coming back given the last I'd heard he still hadn't signed on and filming already began. Ah, well, probably would have been a distraction, since they've already got the family-tension element in Indy's son, played by Shia LaBouef, an actor who I cannot figure out, for the life of me, why everyone else seems so keen on. I haven't been this far off the Hollywood page since Edward Norton.
They call LaBoeuf the "next Tom Hanks." Guess what? I wasn't a big fan of the last Tom Hanks. Just when every other movie doesn't star the last Tom Hanks, great, here comes the new one. So, gee, I had four or five Hanks-free years.
Good years, to be sure. Great years, in fact. And now they're gone.
So this movie stars a supposedly-adult son of Indiana Jones who looks like he'd get his ass handed to him by Short Round.
As goes the catchprase in another jump the shark Ford francise, "I've got a baaaad feeling about this."
Via Hot Air.