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July 27, 2007
Beauchamp Violates Operational Security By Publishing Scheduled Date of Troop Deployment on Public Blog
What a terrific soldier! I'm sure the US military counts itself lucky to have picked up such a highly qualified, motivated, organization-enhancing recruit.
Obviously, they've been pretty damn high on this guy. In just the short span of a year and a half this college graduate (? -- at least he was spotted on a college from time to time) managed to be promoted all the way up to Private. I think that's somewhere between the ranks of full-bird colonel and Hard Ass Heartbreaker and Life-Taker, First Class.
The Washington Post actually wrote to Major Kirk Luedeke to inquire if this was a violation of OPSEC. His answer:
It most certainly is an OPSEC violation.
Wait, did I say the Washington Post bothered to follow-up on this? I meant blogger Bob Owens. It's hard to tell the MSM and bloggers apart from each other anymore, except, I guess, it's the bloggers who actually check facts and refrain from publishing rumors until they're confirmed and the MSM which runs with whatever bullshit floats across their transom.
Thanks to dri.