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He's Giving His All... Can't You Give Something Back? »
July 23, 2007
Not *Quite* Absolute Moral Authority: Cindy Sheehan Slams Democrats For Internment, Slavery, Dropping the Atomic Bomb, MSM Curiously Unenthralled By "Mother Peace"
It's odd... they were so rapt with her when she was slamming Republicans.
It's almost as if -- here me out on this; I know this sounds kind of Trutherish, but just give me a chance -- the MSM is much more interested in publicizing a sympathetic victim's attacks on Republicans than Democrats.
Incidentally, Sheehan has a point. You want to know who to thank for thusfar preventing the passage of any bills establishing a withdrawal date or limitation of the Coaltion forces' mission?
Harry Reid.
He could have sixty votes tomorrow on three different "moderate" bills, but he won't bring them up for vote and/or is instructing his caucus to vote against them, because he'd rather keep the war alive if doing otherwise would mean killing the political issue.
Every time this cocksucker whines about how much he wants to protect our troops from further attacks, remember, assuming a withdrawal-type bill would do so, he's deliberately choosing to let troops die for "Bush's failed war" rather than allowing any sort of meaningful vote with a chance of passage that would diminish Democratic prospects in '08.
Harry Reid
Bring the troops safely home. As soon as the elections are safely won.
Until then, let the Republicans -- and of course the troops -- bleed, baby, bleed.
Harry Reid and Bush -- and the Democrats and Republics in Congress -- are united on the proposition of keeping our troops in Iraq.
The difference?
Bush and the Republican stalwarts want to risk the lives of troops in Iraq until Al Qaeda can be defeated.
Reid and the Democratic cocksuckers want to risk the lives of troops in Iraq until Republicans up for reelection in '08 can be defeated.
Same position.
Vastly different rationales animating them, though.
And while one group wants to do everything possible to give the troops they're keeping in Iraq a chance to succeed, the other group wants to do everything possible to ensure the troops they're keeping in Iraq fail.
Because Harry Reid doesn't pick up any seats if the troops win, now does he?