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July 13, 2007
Behold, The Duck
As a rule I hate the trend towards whimsical-fey urban art. And big stupid displays. Cristof is an idiot, and those painted cows in NYC (and in other cities, sadly -- sorry guys!) were a repulsive eyesore.
But that's the general rule. I kinda dig this.

That's a big duck:
The smile-provoking concoction that's responsible for this little shot of joy in a global-warming-heated summer [ed.: this is from SFGate, so of course they think it gets warm in summertime due to global warming], against a backdrop of war chaos and political cant, is a giant rubber duckie created by the Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. After wrestling with some air-inflating problems, his 105-foot-tall, 85-foot-wide "Rubber Duck" finally took to the sea (that is, to the estuary) last weekend - and that's no canard.