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July 12, 2007
CBS Blogger Revels In Lefty Blogs Bashing Vitter For DC Madam Visits
And yet no word from this fair-and-balanced down-the-middle not-liberal-at-all blogger on the fact that one number has been traced to beloved late liberal Pat Moynihan's office.
Didn't he write a rather important essay on "Defining Deviancy Down"? Would it not also be hypocrisy if this maverick thinker (and I mean that seriously), who challenged his liberal colleagues on forever redefining "deviant" behavior as normal and acceptable, turned out to be soliciting the services of whores?
To be honest, I really don't think it's a big deal -- but the left keeps claiming that only Republicans are worthy targets of opprobrium for missteps in their private sexual lives, due to their "hypocrisy" on speaking on moral and sexual issues.
Well -- Moynihan spoke on such issues. (And God bless 'im for it.)
Ergo, by the "hypocrisy" and "speaking out in favor of traditional values and sexual restraint" standards -- the MSM should be working hard on the Moynihan story, right?