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July 10, 2007
Who Gives A Rat's Ass: Sen. David Vitter Implicated In DC Madam's Phone Records, Apologies For Error In His Past
Eh. The only thing that will ruin you is being caught with a dead girl or live boy.
No one's claiming the escorts are dead.
Ergo, I don't care.
Really? Allah mentions that this might hurt Rudy, since Vitter is one of his southern campaign chairmen.
Well, Mayor Villaraigosa of LA is embroiled in major sex scandal of his own, and he's one of Hillary Clinton's four national campaign chairs.
True, the media will be interested in one and not at all in the other (what is inside Hillary that draws her to "bad boys"? Must be all that raging female heterosexuality!), but hey, if we're looking at campaign chairs, the Democrats don't have a lot of room to talk.
Connecting The Dots: Mickey Kaus tries, again, to establish a Bill Clinton-Princess Diana affair.
I doubt it. Both seem pretty centered to me, highly disciplined types well above a tawdry affair that might put their respective countries into crisis.
Correction: PetiteDov corrects me and says that Kaus is only trying to link Diana and billionaire Teddy Forstmann. Is that all? I guess on second reading it does appear that way; but what's that bit about listening to conversations that mention another woman that might surface with allegations about Bill?
Bob Livingston's Replacement: Fishwrap rounds up reactions and notes...
Vitter was first elected to Congress in a 1999 special election to replace former House Speaker Bob Livingston, who resigned after admitting on the House floor that he had committed adultery.
Fishwrap asks how could a Havard educated man be so dumb? In Vitter's defense, he was using prostitutes before that 1999 special election -- indeed, he was using them during the Clinton impeachment crisis. So he's not dumb at all. I guess.
But seriously, what causes this? Well, first, normal human nature. Including humans' drives to act in selfish but self-destructive ways. A strong dose of arrogance (most of the people in Washington have never, ever lost a single campaign for office -- that's how they got to Washington!) verging on believing they're untouchable only compounds that. Someone who's never really had to pay for bad behavior will be inclined to commit more bad behavior.
Toss in the general low ethics and morality of DC and buddy system of politicians protecting each other and even recommending whores to each other and you've got a Sex Panther level stink of licentiousness and entitlement.
But really, who cares? It's his wife's and family's problem, not mine. It's time to MoveOn.org.