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June 24, 2007
HuffPoster: "At Least Hitler Meant Well, Unlike Bush"
I thought The Big H was the one line of comparative apologism a liberal wouldn't dare cross. Stalin? No big deal; they all kind of think Stalin is just the victim of bad right-wing press anyway.
But The Big H himself? Hitler? Surely no liberal would cross that, let us say, Maginot Line of moral equivalency in order to take a shot even at The Devil Bush.
I was wrong: A former Seinfeld writer -- and, it seems, a Jew to boot -- writes that at least Hitler meant well in attempting to kill every single one of his correligionists, but Bush of course is without such, um, lofty?, motives.
I got this from Allah, who weighs in.
I'm not really sure what to say about these people anymore. I was shocked when they began speaking well of Osama bin Ladin; now they're lauding the Simon Pure (racial stock) motives of Adolf Hitler.
Let me weigh in with a Hitler-like proposal, which surely this Nazi apologist will applaud the idealistic motives behind: Some people are too stupid to be allowed to corrupt society with their idiocy and their degernate genes, and should be sterilized or better yet "eliminated" at earliest opportunity. This moron really is too stupid to be permitted to exist. Suffer not a moron to live, as the Bible instructs us.
Heh, my motives are pure. I'm just trying to elevate the average IQ and moral sense of the population by culling some of the very lowest of the low-hanging fruitcakes.