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June 19, 2007
Thompson Passes Rudy In Rasmussen Poll
A statistically insignificant 28-27 lead, but everyone can see the trend line.
Giuliani remains the most well-liked candidate in either party. He is viewed favorably by 82% of Republicans nationwide and unfavorably by 15%. Thompson, not as well known, is the only other candidate with so few Republicans holding an unfavorable opinion of him. The actor turned Senator turned actor again is viewed favorably by 59% of Republicans and unfavorably by 14%.
Among Republicans, Romney and McCain both have lower favorables and higher unfavorables than the frontrunners. For Romney, those GOP numbers are 56% favorable and 28% unfavorable. McCain, among the nation’s best known political figures, is viewed favorably by 55% of Republicans and unfavorably by 40%.
While Giuliani is well liked, only 21% of Republicans view him as politically conservative. Twice as many, 42%, believe that Thompson is politically conservative.
I guess we have a fight on our hands.
ISG MIA: Giuliani blew off meetings with the Iraq Study Group due to conflicts with his speaking/fundraising schedule.
Seems to me like a smart move, considering what the ISG brain trust came up with. (And I hardly think one guy could have moved the group away from its strange "Iran will help us" position.)
Via Hot Air.
Video: Thompson's London Speech. Including the part about Iran, stating that the military option is on the table. Which is kind of no big deal, given that even most Democrats make that claim, but it's still nice to hear.
Here's a transcript.