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June 19, 2007
Colombian Town Celebrates Sex With Donkeys

You shouldn't wear so much make-up...
It makes you look cheap.*
Supposedly there's a festival called "Fiesta del Burro" in coastal rural Colombia which celebrates the local practice of boys losing their virginity to donkeys. I haven't found a 'nets confirmation of that, but the three-part video (content warning) hosted here (at "Prose before Hos") leaves little doubt the practice is both common and regarded as utterly natural, festival or no.
Little warning? The first two parts have vulgar language and vulgar subject matter but it's all just talk about the practice. The third part is for those of you still saying, "No, this isn't real, they're all having me on" and gets the BIG BOLD FACED CAP CONTENT WARNING. If you think your imagination is sufficiently vivid to conjure the image of a scraggly dirtbag dorking a donkey doggy-style, don't bother with Part 3.
Local tradition claims having sex with a donkey makes you a better lover and gives you a bigger penis. Seems to me you could sell pretty much anything to men if your promise them that.
In related news, Trent Lott just said that "bringing people out of the shadows" helps increase the size of "a certain part of the male anatomy."
Thanks to Del. Ask him how he found it.
* This line (more or less) is from either the sadly underrated Armed & Dangerous or the justifiably forgotten Fletch II. I think it's the latter.