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June 18, 2007
LONDON - British police, with aid from U.S. investigators, have shattered a global Internet pedophile ring, rescuing 31 children and rounding up more than 700 suspects worldwide, authorities said Monday.
Emphasis mine.
The ring was traced to an Internet chat room called "Kids the Light of Our Lives" that featured images of children being subjected to horrific sexual abuse — including streaming live videos.
Authorities said they used surveillance tactics normally used against terrorism suspects and drug traffickers to infiltrate the pedophile ring at its highest level.
Officials also said the United States, Canada and Australia were Britain's main partners in the investigation, which involved agencies from 35 countries.
Investigators with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said they could not immediately comment on the arrests because the U.S. investigation, spanning at least 12 states, is ongoing.
I feel like standing up and applauding!
Let's hope they get everybody they're looking for, and help guide those poor children back to humanity.
Kudos To British Police&bodytext=LONDON - British police, with aid from U.S. investigators, have shattered a global Internet pedophile ring, rescuing 31 children and rounding up more than 700 suspects worldwide, authorities said Monday. Emphasis mine. The ring was traced to an Internet chat...&topic=world_news">
posted by Laura. at
12:08 PM
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