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June 17, 2007
TV Ratings Show Hispanics Aren't Quite As Assimiliative As Frequently Asserted
There's hardly any sin in selecting the dumb-as-dirt Spanish language soap operas over the dumb-as-dirt English language TV fare. But, unlike as with previous cohorts of immigrants, Hispanic immigrants seem to enjoy a spectrum of counter-inducemements to learning English and adopting it as one's native tongue. Or, if not counter-inducements per se, at least counter-ameliorations. Previous cohorts of immigrants, legal and illegal, had to learn English if they wished to function outside their immigrant-dominated neighborhoods. That's not really the case now.
To be honest, I'm really just straining to come up with an excuse to link this. Because what really shocks me about this survey is that while whites have CSI, CSI: Miami, and CSI: NY all in their top ten choices, blacks only have room for one CSI show -- CSI: NY.
Are they retarded? You can't even say it's because one has a strong black lead, because Warrick on CSI is all sorts of dreamy. How the hell can black people, or any people, favor CSI: NY over CSI? CSI: NY doesn't even have the inadvertant entertainment value of David Caruso.
I think black people have to assimilate more. Stop watching that bizzarely off-kilter CSI: NY -- half over-the-top lurid ridiculousness, half soporific snoozefest -- and start watching CSI like real patriotic Americans.
Seriously, black people. I understood why Family Matterrs show was always at the top of the black ratings; 1, black sitcom, 2, Urkel. But this? Simply baffling.