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June 08, 2007
Cool Facts about Jeff Sessions
Many say that we live in an age without heroes. I dispute this assertion. Perhaps they are simply harder to find these days. Which makes it all the more important that we recognize greatness when we have the opportunity to bear witness to it.
In the past, we here at Ace of Spades HQ have reserved our highest level of praise, a recitation of "Cool Facts" about an individual, for a select few American patriots. Great men like Dick Cheney, Fred! Thompson, John Bolton and Johnathan "The Impaler" Sharkey have all received this honor.
Today, in recognition of his single-minded devotion to the rule of law and his stalwart defense of America's citizens and legal immigrants against the forces of Amnesty, I think it only fitting that we elevate Senator Sessions to our Ace of Spades HQ pantheon of heroes.
Plus, every cool fact about Jeff Sessions will make Lindsay Graham and John McCain cry. So that's cool too.
Added Bonus: I can call in a few favors and deliver the "cool facts" thread to Sessions' D.C. office as part of a "thank you" gesture if you jokers show a little restraint. Make me proud, people, and I'll deliver it personally.

posted by Jack M. at
12:38 AM
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