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May 30, 2007
Security Council Creates Hariri Assassination Tribunal
Why do we bother? We know Putin had Litvenenko killed and we know the drooling imbeclie Bashar Assad had Hariri killed.
Well, we don't know that. He's such a buffoon his supposed-inferiors probably gave the order themselves, as they do with most matters of state. But the Syrian government, as a whole, ordered the hit.
At least we can get these guys:
Lebanese authorities are currently holding eight people over the Hariri killing. They are four pro-Syrian generals who headed Lebanese security departments at the time and four members of a small Syrian-backed Sunni Muslim group alleged to have played a role in monitoring Hariri’s movements.
Syria has responded, of course, with a threat to put their owned-and-operated terrorist group Hezbollah into action:
Syria: UN Tribunal May Destabilize Lebanon
That's pretty much as subtle as their last statement:
Syria: Hariri's Defiance May Destabilize His Heart-rate, Brain Activity
And we all know how prescient that "warning" turned out to be.