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May 17, 2007
Italian Whores To Mayor: We Won't Take This Lying Down
I fully support these courageous heroes:
Hundreds of prostitutes, anti-globalisation dissidents and bemused bystanders brought Padua to a standstill yesterday as they protested against the city’s clampdown on the world’s oldest profession.
“We are here to defend our rights,” said Kristal, a 6ft transsexual Brazilian who led the protest. “My mother always taught me to rebel against every violation of my rights. I am a Paduan citizen and I pay my taxes.”
Finally, a cause I can really get behind.
The prostitutes were appealing against a decision from Mayor Flavio Zanonato to issue ¤50 (£30) fines to their clients.
Since prostitution is legal in Italy, except in cases where women are coerced into it, the mayor was forced to target the men searching for sex. So far, 14 kerb-crawlers, including two men in their 20s, have been given on-the-spot penalties by patrolling policemen.
However, the prostitutes hit back by issuing “pink coupons” to their clients, promising that they would refund any fine “in kind”.
I like the equation: Gettin' Busted=Gettin' It On. If American hookers did this I'd be up to my ears in fineass trim, except that in my case they'd have to hand out those pink coupons for getting caught urinating in public.
Several clients marched in yesterday’s protest to “show solidarity”. Corrado Baldin, a 46-year-old factory worker, proudly held up a sign at the rally which read: “I am a client!”
He described himself as a philosopher who paid for sex “once every two months or so” to “relieve the boredom of life”.
Also, the boredom of not having whore-rash all over your scrotum. Because life is just too damn short, you know?

posted by AndrewR at
04:42 PM
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