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May 15, 2007
Sea Hunt: Pics of Diving Tigers
I guess it's no big deal. Not like it's a surprise they dive and swim. Still, I'm just not used to seeing tigers hanging out at the bottom of a swimming pool.
In other tiger news, a thirty-two year old woman was mauled to death by her fiance's pet tiger. The reason? Apparently the tiger grew angry that the woman was "copying its style."
That pic actually runs with the story, but, while the caption mentions the slain woman by name, it doesn't specify that that's actually her in the picture. It kinda suggests it's her, but never says so.
Thanks to dri, furiously running Google searches for "tigers" and, I understand, ""massage oil."
Giant Mutant Turtle, Decomposing Whale, or Photoshop?
Cryptomundo, a site for cryptozoology ("crypto" from the Greek for "completely made up fake shit"). The claim is that it's a giant turtle. I have no idea what the hell it is, and don't even think the picture is real.
I'm not sure why they're saying it's a turtle. It doesn't seem to have a shell and looks more like a giant crocodile if anything.
Via Boing Boing.