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May 15, 2007
Jim Treacher On Opie And Anthony
It's a couple of days old, but I just read it for the first time. Treacher writes the post I've been wanting to write but haven't because I'm lazy (Warning: this link is about as NSFW as it gets; it's a transcript from the show).
Takeaway quote:
Now, is any of that stuff nice? Is any of it polite? No. Is any of it funny? That's a matter of personal preference, and I didn't like the Condi Rice thing, but I thought he had a couple of good lines, especially "I got six years!" Is any of it worth trying to get somebody fired from a pay service that is not on the public airwaves? If you say yes, you're no better than Tipper Gore or Al Sharpton or Media Matters or News Hounds or any of these other people who've ever tried to decide for you what you should be able to watch or read or listen to.
I concur.

posted by AndrewR at
05:13 PM
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