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May 12, 2007
MOR Rock Radio, Truther Style
It's like a retard version of Poco.
Correction: I'm told Poco was the retard version of Poco. Okay, how about the retard version of the Still the One guys?
Via Hot Air, where Cindy Sheehan too panders to the Truther movement, praising them.
And the media continues to ignore this.
Allah notes Ron Paul's popularity with the Truther radio host Sheehan made her comments on. Unsurprisingly, Ron Paul is Andrew Sullivan's favorite Republican candidate. He's got all the things Sullivan looks for -- he's crazy and he could never win a race against Sullivan's actual candidate, Barack Obama.
Diggin' on Assassination: Hot Air points out that a comment about assassinating Cheney is being warmly received at Digg, with +48 Diggs (i.e., 48 more positive votes than negative, I guess).
Digg, apparently, will delete any post or comment offending the copyright protection law (as they did when someone posted the code for breaking copyright protection), but doesn't sweat the small stuff like advocating the murder of a high official of the United States.
It's interesting how far the country has come in tolerating murder speech of this kind. And it's not really a mystery as to how it came to be this way. When the murder speech was coming from the right -- as it often, and unfortunately, did, especially during the hyperpartisan Clinton years -- the media performed its duty of exposing such vile speech and embarrassing those who traded in it.
But of course now it's coming almost exclusively from the left-- the media has a more, ahem, nuanced view. Well, not a nuanced view. They don't defend it per se. They simply ignore it and allow it to grow like mold in the darkness.
I don't think I'm going out on a limb to suggest that should a Democrat be elected president in '08, the media will suddenly become very interested once again in patrolling political statements for extremist advocacy of political violence.
JackM tells me, by the way, I got linked on Digg for my various anti-Ron-Paul posts. He tells me I'm Public Enemy Number One there. Well, I guess Public Enemy Number Sixty-three thousand two-hundred and eleven. Still, that's something.