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Important Action Alert: Edwards Reverses, Bows To Nutroots, Keeps Mutants On Staff »
February 08, 2007
More Marcotte
Iowahawk gets a juicy leak-- the emails between Marcotte and John Edwards.
To: Senator John Edwards
From: Amanda Marcotte
Re: Job Offer
Dear Senator Edwards:
I am fucking delighted to accept your offer of the position of Official Blogger for the Edwards 2008 presidential campaign. Please find attached my fucking W-2 form.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for this totally fucking awesome opportunity to help you take America back from fucking BushCo and the other fucktard bible-humping extremists that have turned this once great nation into a goddamn rape factory for their snakehandling Jesus Camp hatebots.
In closing, I am so fucking proud to be a part of this campaign, and fucking gratified to know that I'll be working for someone who fucking understands the importance of reaching out to progressive bloggers like myself. I look forward to contributing in any way I fucking can. You won't be fucking sorry!
Fucking Sincerely,
Amanda Marcotte, "Pandagon"
And Hot Air has CNN's extremely soft-pedaled pseudo-coverage of the anti-Catholic charge hurled against the freak Marcotte. They definitely did not get into the nastier quotes -- about God's "white, sticky Holy Spirit" knocking up the Virgin Mary and all that. Instead, CNN included only a wordbite from McEwan about "Chirstianist fascist wingnuts" -- which most Catholics would take (proably correctly) as a slam on Evangelical Protestants, not themselves.
So any Catholic watching the report would be left wondering, "What's the big deal?"
Which is precisely the way CNN wanted it.