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January 30, 2007
Trouble In Paradise?
And I'd hoped these two kids had a future together.
As is true for many people who are driven by their passions, Sullivan himself is certainly prone to excessive, blinding emotion arising from his own self-righteous certainties. That is a flaw that has led him astray in the past into hysteria-based crusades and rather ignoble accusations against others who expressed certain political views, including anti-war and anti-Bush views which Sullivan himself has now come to embrace.
His admissions of error in that regard, while commendable, are less complete and repentant than one would like. He refers to his "analytical errors in the past few years" -- meaning, principally, his support for the war in Iraq specifically and the Bush presidency generally -- but then attributes those errors to a noble cause: "outrage at the atrocity of September 11."
-- Glenn Greenwald, co-chair with Andrew Sullivan of the Super-Duper Courageous And Really Terribly Brilliant Truth Tellers With Amazing Integrity And Fearlessness of America Club
Sullivan, pimping his stupid ass book yet again, actually uses the subretard Glenn Greenwald's pan as an advertising vehicle.
Must be selling like fuckin' hotcakes, huh?
Think I get get a big link off him if I write that he's a hystrionic narcissist with borderline personality disorder?
You know, the Shrill Shill has been basically implying that anyone who's called him "excitable" or "emotional" is a gay-hater, and of course he's shrieked especially loud when people have noted that his ranting about the "evils of moral certainty" certainly does have the ring of moral certainty about it.
But now SubRetard Greenwald says the same thing, and Sullivan's response is--
I'm grateful for the seriousness and care with which Greenwald has tackled the book's argument, however.
Guess he just had to hear it from a fellow traveller.